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What We've Done

I began Asana Natural Arts in August 2010 to make nature more a part of everyone’s daily lives. The first 4 years was a lot of trial and error as I developed my art techniques and learned how to market and manage a business. Jake and I built a loft in our bedroom which raised the bed and allowed an office desk to fit underneath. I had a full time day job and would work on my nature art part time. Jake helped me make displays, sell at my first festivals, and helped with the design process. The business grew over the years and I needed more space so we started house shopping and was lucky enough to purchase a home in 2013. It was such an improvement to have my own office!

In 2014 I finally felt like I was bringing in enough income from my art business to pull the plug and quit my day job. It was a scary step but I’ve never looked back. After a few years the demand increased to the point where Jake quit his day job in 2016 and joined Asana full time. We call ourselves the dynamic duo. This huge step allowed us to travel to festivals along the West coast and live the artist life together! We found a used Sprinter cargo van to travel to these shows for a few years.

Our love for nature also incorporates being a sustainable business. In 2016 we were proud to have solar panels installed on our home. This investment now makes our business 100% solar powered and really kick started all the other sustainable projects we have embarked on thereafter. We have also added a butterfly garden, vegetable garden, fruit trees, and chickens to our house to fully embrace the ideas of permaculture.

 In 2019 we purchased a taller and bigger sprinter van and started building it out for our needs. We can now travel to sell at art festivals, sleep in the van, and bring our dog with us.